Monday, August 3, 2009

Refried Black Beans w/ a Side of Darlin

This weekend my dude had a break from tour and I made some refried black beans. I had some leftover black bean and corn salad (the ever popular and always delicious vegan cookout dish), a can of black beans, and a sauteed giant red onion. Pureed all together with taco seasoning packet style spices these ingredients make killer refried black beans. These inspired us to make a tex-mex breakfast like the one we had at some really good cafe in Flagstaff, AZ. I can't find the name of the place anywhere, but it was the second best breakfast I've ever had. Our version mixed with beans, tomatoes, loads of cilantro, and poblano peppers with taters on the side was deee-lightful.

1 comment:

ally. said...

oh man. and there's the ketchup.