I realized why my biscuits have been turning out so well lately. I have been putting TWICE as much earth balance in them as the recipe calls for. 1/2 Cup Earth Balance for SIX biscuits. That is 1.3 Tablespoons of margarine in each biscuit. Plus I've been using water instead of soymilk. I believe soymilk sometimes weighs down a recipe. I made some peanut butter oatmeal muffins this evening. (Pictured above) I put some baking scraps in them: leftover ground walnuts, prunes, and some maple syrup. Thank you to the muffin man. I'm thinking of re-naming this blog Everyday Biscuits or Biscuits Too. Since last month had a theme, I hereby declare December internetional Biscuit Month. Now if I could only make gravy without having a nervous breakdown.