Nutritional Yeast is really really good. I'm hoping nothing shitty will be found in it. I love nutritional yeast as much as I loved my Nalgene bottle before it was discovered #7 plastic had Bisphenol A's. I could just see some scientist recalling nutritional yeast: "I am sorry, Daun Fields, but nutritional yeast has a known carcinogen that has given you a really heinous form of something we don't even know to exist. Those sandwiches were too good to be true."
Nutritional Yeast Sandwiches (Safe For Now)
Butter both sides of two pieces of good ole wheat bread. Putting one down in a hot skillet, sprinkle a good amount of nutritional yeast on the bread. I would say approx. 2-3 T. Assemble the top bread onto the yeasty. Grill like a grilled cheese, taking care when you flip it. Dip it. (in ketchup). Anyone who doesn't believe in ketchup dipping is a food snob and a liar.